If you read my theory so far, you have a handle on where most of my ideas are going. If you haven’t read my theories, please click on the link in the title.

In preparation of Season 5, I re-watched the Lost series online via http://www.abc.com As I was re-watching, I noticed several additional things that go along with my theory.

Some of my favorite episodes to re-watch are: White Rabbit (casket, caves), Deus Ex Machina (Locke and Boone), Flashes Before Your Eyes (Desmond), The Constant (Desmond), Theres No Place Like Home.

After viewing the first 3 episodes of Season 5, I am confident that my theory is on the right track. Before you read the addendum to my theory, I invite you to watch the following Lost episodes (or look them up via lostpedia): “White Rabbit”, “Deus Ex Machina”, “Flashes Before Your Eyes”, “The Constant”

Be sure to re-watch the first 3 episodes of Season 5 as well. You will notice some of these things yourself.


We find out that yes, the island / Losties were moved in time. They see the island in different times. We certainly find out many things, but there is so much information chunked into these episodes.

Let us focus on some specific things I noticed
• We have now seen Ben’s mother, Clare and Penny deliver their children via natural childbirth and NOTICE THAT NONE OF THEM GIVE BIRTH IN A HOSPITAL.
• Desmond & Penny’s son is named Charlie. Is this Charlie Pace? (Will he travel to the Looking Glass in the past?) Is this Charles Widmore? (I do not like this choice)
• Ellie – Is she Eloise Hawking?
• Is Eloise Hawking Daniel Faraday’s mother?
• Is Teresa Spencer the same Teresa that Boone said fell up the stairs/down the stairs? Did Daniel Faraday experiment with time/mind travel with her and make horrible mistakes? Why was Widmore paying for her care?
• While Im thinking about it, why was Christian paying for Claire’s mothers care?
• Why exactly was Charles Widmore funding Daniel Faradays research?
• There is a lot of mentioning of “tumors” in the series. Rose and Ben, and then Sawyer mentioned a relative who died from a tumor. Juliets sister had cancer. “Jughead” is leaking radiation.
• Speaking of Juliet, she mentions that Latin is “The language of the Enlightened”
• The fact that Juliet remains with the Losties instead of being in time with the other Others, leads me to believe that the tattoo they imprinted on her – keeps her (pardon the expression) “lost”.


I believe that Charles Widmore arrived on the island via the Black Rock. I also believe that the “hostiles” are also those who have arrived via the Black Rock. We have seen Charles Widmore bid on the manifest/ledger. This confirms that thought for me.

I do not think that Widmore turned the frozen donkey wheel to get off the island. I am unsure whether my thought that the temple is the way on/off the island, but I have more confidence that he traveled off the island ala Richard Alpert & Ethan Rom and just couldn’t get the coordinates correct to get back once his “job” was done.

Do you remember Cindy Chandler? She was the flight attendant on Flight 815 (she gave Jack the extra bottle of liquor) and she was a survivor of the Tailsection. While the Tailies were making their way across the island, she disappeared. We later see Cindy with the Others (and the 2 children) when Jack is being held in a cage. Cindy tells Jack that they are there to watch.

I went back to the Season 2 Episode titled, “The OTHER 48 days.” The word watch is used several times in connection with Cindy and the children. We later see Cindy speak to John Locke in “others-camp”. They are heading to the temple. What role do the watchers and the Temple play?

We have had several references to our Tailies since their “demise”. What is most interesting is that other than Cindy & the other Tailies who were taken, there are no Tailies left. (I do not consider Bernard a Tailie – he was only in that section to use the bathroom when the plane crashed.)

Now, have I got a theory for you!!! So, according to the Jughead episode, we are in the 1970s. This got me thinking to something I saw on the ARG (Alternate Reality Game). The Lost producers, Damon & Carlton, have told us that information gained thru the ARG can be considered canon. Just for clarification, I am not talking about the ARG that recently went bust.

Anyway – after thinking about things, I remembered I still had a link to one of the videos-I think after watching, you will notice where Im going.

So, in the late 60s, we had this nuclear issue. The Dharma Iniative / Hanso Foundation are created. We see a bomb on island in the 70s. Can we piece these two things together? Are they related? Does the naming of this bomb have anything to do with the real bomb Jughead during that era?

Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_17_nuclear_bomb
Does THAT just blow your mind?

Who believes that Jughead is in The Swan hatch? Daniel even instructed them to dig a hole and fill/cover the thing with lead/concrete. The Swan station was 40 ft down according to Season 2s – “Man of Science, Man of Faith” episode.

Did you know that it takes a satellite 108 minutes to orbit? Well, certain types of satellites…here is a link courtesy of the Utah Education Network

Now, WHAT does that remind you of?
First of all, this is a real project. Its about tracking SWANS. Granted, this is in the US, but still – its called SWAN? Any correlation there?

Is this the motivation behind pushing the button every 108 minutes? Is pushing the button the first step in hiding the island from the outside world? Remember all these choices caused other defenses on the island to break down. For example: the radio tower and The Looking Glass Station.

Keep in mind, that Mikhail had the ability to “communicate” with and view the outside world in the Flame. John Locke blew up the Flame in Season 3s – “Enter 77” episode, effectively destroying the station.

Since I already mentioned the Eloise thing, I wont repeat it here. Read on…

We seem to be finding out that Mrs Hawking not only doesn’t want the past changed, but is “holed” up in the basement of a church, studying the rotation of the Earth.

We see a Foucault pendulum. I feel the need to share that in researching what this contraption is, I found ONE thing most odd. In researching WHERE these pendulums are, there was specific mention regarding experimenting at the South Pole. You should have a flash of your own, if you immediately thought of something. Just a couple words, in case you need to be jogged: two guys, chess, alert. These two things may be related. We have seen the same technology being used. Have we just seen an off-island station?

Is this the 70 hours she was referring to? Is this how much time is left before we are all DOOMED. Is Mrs Hawking a WATCHER?

No theory can be without Des & Pen. I have already said this in my main theory, but I believe that they are Adam & Eve (from the caves). The Jughead episode seemed to clarify this even more.

It seems as if it IS Desmond’s destiny to be on that island. Mrs Hawking told him that much. Everything he is doing, is pointing to him returning to the island. Desmond also seems to try to keep this information from Penny. Penny insists on going with him. A we all know that we are not just talking about California here.

My question is: Is it Penny’s destiny to be with him on the island? Now, I have heard a few others speak to this subject…but no one has mentioned the fact that Penny spent YEARS searching for Desmond. YEARS! ON A BOAT! Remember-her father is Charles Widmore.

This is just a repost of all 3 of my LOST theories.
Read on!

Lost Theory – Part I – What We Know
The fans have been told by Damon and Carlton that clues are found in the Pilot episode. Most people who watch Lost are not casual watchers…we are rabid! Many fans have watched Seasons 1 – 4 repeatedly to figure out what is going on with the Losties. Even though I came late to Lost, I count myself among the rabid fans.

After reading many theories that you would need a scientific degree to understand….I thought I would give my theory a try.

I would like to stress that my theory has NOTHING to do with proving our Losties were not on the plane. In fact, you’ll see why they all have to be on the plane and why Jack cannot get back to the island by without every one of the Oceanic 6.

My theory is in three parts: What We Know, Things We Have Only Seen a Glimpse Of, and Groundhogs?

What We Know – Pertaining to My Theory
Let me start at the beginning:
We start out being introduced to Dr. Jack Shepard, a spinal surgeon. We first see Jack lying in the jungle being woke up by Vincent-Walt’s dog. Next to him we see a green “baton” (similar to Ben’s when we see him lying in the desert.) as well as a flashlight. We do not see him in possession of these items on the airplane. Notice that Jack is not among the rest of the survivors on the beach.

You should also note that Jack has taken a couple flying lessons, but it wasn’t for him. We see that Cindy, the flight attendant who later lives amongst the “Others”, gives him an extra bottle of liquor, to which Jack responds, that it is against several FAA regulations. It is plausible that Cindy has a hidden agenda when it comes to giving Jack the liquor and then being suspicious of Charlie.

After tons of drama and action, with those on the beach being rescued from immediate peril, Jack attempts to stitch himself up, when he sees Kate. Notice that Kate was not on the beach, nor was she walking from it. Kate assists Jack by sewing him up. Is it a coincidence that Jack had those bottles?

Jack, Kate and Charlie locate the transceiver in the cockpit. They speak to the pilot before the smoke monster yanks him out of the wreckage. It seems as if Kate “knows” what the smoke monster is capable of. She later asks Charlie-“Did you see it?” and she is completely terror stricken.

Charlie Pace went with Jack and Kate because he almost threw away his drugs while in the bathroom. He is going to see if they are still there.

Part of my theory centers around the importance of Charlie Pace. Desmond informed Charlie many times that he was going to die. While watching from the beginning knowing what I know, it seems as if death is looking for Charlie ever since the flight itself.

It seems odd to me that Cindy is suspicious of Charlie on the plane. Granted, what he was doing was annoying, but not reason enough to chase someone through a plane. Since Cindy later turns up with the “Others”, it is plausible that Cindy was trying to get Charlie in the section of the plane that would have no survivors. In fact, Charlie almost dies on the beach from flying plane debris.

On the island, Charlie befriends Claire Littleton, a single-but pregnant woman. Claire gets kidnapped by the “Others” (Ethan) and Charlie is left hanging in the woods.

While watching that particular episode, I was left wondering why Jack and Kate are so upset when they find Charlie. I know it may seem a little heartless, but the Losties just met Charlie….why did it upset them so much? Even upon watching these episodes repeatedly, this reaction does not seem normal. Do they know how important he is?

Charlie also befriends Hurley. There are many things I still haven’t figured out about Hurley’s story. We know that he feels responsible for a deck collapse and spent some time at Santa Rosa Mental Institute. Libby, a survivor of the tail-section, also was seen at Santa Rosa. We know that after the Oceanic 6 get off the island, Hurley sees Charlie and ends up back at Santa Rosa.

Santa Rosa also pays a role in John Locke’s life. His mother, Emily, is said to have been a patient. John is healed upon the crash of Oceanic 815. He becomes someone the Losties can count on, even though his tactics are scrutinized and he eventually loses their trust. We see several changes in John Locke, and the most recent change is becoming the leader of the “Others”. John Locke will become central to the island’s survival.

As we all know, everything we see on Lost has a purpose…fans were perplexed when introduced to Nikki and Paulo. I believe that the reason for Nikki and Paulo are to really introduce us to the Medusa spider. This spider is known to render its victims paralyzed for a period of time. I also believe that John Locke (Jeremy Betham) has been bitten by this spider in order to convince the Oceanic Six into returning to the Island.

While I cannot ascertain whether or not my final thought is complete or even Lost cannon-it should be noted that there is a resemblance with Bentham’s casket and Christian’s casket. There are also some odd similarities between “White Rabbit” and our Season 4 Finale, “There’s No Place Like Home”. Go ahead watch them again.

Ill see you in Part II – Glimpses.

Lost Theory – Part II – Things We Have Only Seen A Glimpse Of
This is Part II of my three part Lost theory. Some of the things I will mention, you may believe are known. What I write may change some of your perspective.

Glimpses – Pertaining to My Theory

Let me begin by thanking everyone involved in bringing Science Fiction back to prime time. The Science Fiction genre is immersed within a character driven drama, and clues are hidden all throughout the series, making fans rabid.

All the characters on the island are struggling with their pasts. In some ways, they are truly facing their demons. Each character has their own secrets, and in some cases, has confided in someone else on the island. There is a common theme regarding fathers in this series.

There are many things that we have seen glimpses of…ghosts, time travel, pregnancy issues, dreams. As with the characters, everything is intertwined…we just need to find the common thread.

We know that Mrs Hawking stressed to Desmond that things have a way of “course-correcting”. This leads into my Part III, so I won’t go into any detail on this one here.

We again, need to go back to the beginning. At least the beginning for US.

We begin seeing a close-up of Jack Shepard’s eye. It is unknown what is reflected in his eye, but I do believe Jack was placed there by it before he regained consciousness.

Not only did this episode begin with a close-up of Jack’s eye, but many have begun in this manner. I was told at an early age, that the eye is the window to your soul. We are seeing something significant-but not any real explanation.

I have also come to believe that Kate was not on the beach. She is not seen when the rest of the survivors are running from the plane after the crash.

This alone is very important. Why aren’t they on the beach? There are clues that the smoke monster is reflected in Jacks eyes. Is that how he got there? We have been led to believe that the smoke monster yanked the pilot out, pulled Locke thru the jungle, and killed Eko.

Many references to literature can be noted when watching Lost. Specifically, the book, Alice in Wonderland-Through the Looking Glass. My observation with TTLG is that once Charlie flipped that switch, it was as if the characters on the island changed personalities.

The biggest observation of this is when Sawyer and Jack are at the helicopter in Season 4s finale, Sawyer is concerned for Hugo (no nickname) and Jack says the SOB. You also see Kate change from being completely on the run, never settling down become a mother to someone else’s child. There are many more if you are looking for this.

Lost Theory – Part III – Groundhogs?

This is Part III of my three part Lost theory. This theory ties in all my ideas (minus the retelling of the Lost series) and presents the Lost story as a whole. It’s a little lengthy, but please read all of it.

Have you ever seen the movie Groundhog Day? Bill Murray’s character relives the same day until he does it right. My theory runs along the same lines…

If you take everything you have seen during the series of Lost, you can see a few “oddities” Things that just on the surface seem out of place. Think about what you have seen, playing over and over in a loop. Every decision affecting everything else, including what you have ALREADY seen.

Since it IS Lost canon that Desmond time traveled after the hatch blew up, we CAN factor in that you can attempt to change the past. We also know that Mrs Hawking stressed to Desmond that things have a way of “course-correcting”. I want the idea of “course-correcting” at the front of your mind.


In Part I, I stated that Charlie Pace is important to my theory. All in all, Desmond can only prevent the inevitable for so long. I also noted that death has been looking for Charlie since the flight itself. If Charlie had died earlier, who else could have “broke that code”? If he would have died earlier, they would not have been able to contact the freighter.

Think about every decision involving Charlie Pace. We know that he swum to the Looking Glass station….so why didn’t he save Joanna from drowning earlier? Charlie claimed he “didn’t swim”.

Unfortunately, (?) EVERY decision led to the freighter coming, being blown up, and more lives lost….oh-and an island that has mysteriously vanished.


In Season 4, we see a flashback of Daniel Faraday watching a news report stating that the Oceanic Flight 815 was found at the bottom of the ocean. This news made him visibly upset.

Since we won’t know what happens to Daniel Farraday (unless you read spoilers – and I haven’t) until Lost comes back on, we can only imagine what he’s experienced.

If the island vanished into the past, is Faraday upset that the island isn’t there when the plane crashes? Where will Oceanic Flight 815 crash?


Before coming to the island, Juliet was able to impregnate her sister, Rachel. (I believe that Rachel and her son are who Jack hears crash on the bridge in the Season 3 finale)

Juliet has been on the island 3 years when Oceanic 815 crashes. We last see Juliet on the beach drinking Dharma Rum watching the smoke from the freighter explosion.

If the island has disappeared into the past, we can speculate that she may have continued to experiment on solving the island’s fertility issues. Depending on how far into the past the island went, we can speculate that Juliet could have injected this “serum” into John Locke’s mother, thereby making him “special”. This would also explain why Richard Alpert visited John when he was a child.

We can also speculate that Juliet could have impregnated any one of the Oceanic Six’s parents, thereby making all of them “special”.


We have seen connections between Charles Widmore, Ben Linus, and the Paik family. We can only guess at some of the connections between Ben Linus and Charles Widmore, but we DO know that Ben will be looking to even the score between them.

We know that Sun bought a controlling interest in Paik Industries, and has approached Charles Widmore-stating common interests. Is she referring to Demond & Penny, or some type of rivalry among Widmore and Paik?

We have been led to believe that Paik Industries built the Black Rock and has some type of connection to the construction of the hatches that are scattered on the island. If this is true, then we can begin to piece the connection between Paik and Dharma.


It is no secret that Sun’s father has no respect for Jin. He allows him to marry his daughter on the condition that he work for Paik Industries. We find out that the reason Sun and Jin are in Australia catching a flight to California, is for Jin to deliver 2 watches for Paik. Prior to the flight, Sun is “plotting” to leave Jin – a fact that I find important….If Sun leaves Jin, she misses Flight 815 and does not crash on the island. This leads me to believe that Paik may be trying to “get rid of Jin”.


Penny’s father did not approve of Desmond. Desmond feels compelled to prove his worth to Penny (who constantly tell him he doesn’t have to). Through a set of events, he acquires a boat, and enters a boat race to “get his honor back”. He eventually crashes onto the island, and enters the code in the Swan hatch. While we see that Desmond and Penny reunite….we wonder how long it will be before Charles Widmore finds out.


Since the first appearance of the Smoke Monster, we have been attempting to guess at what it is, and what its purpose is. We know that it can manifest itself in a physical way – such as pulling the pilot out of the plane, dragging Locke thru the jungle, throwing Eko into the air….

I believe that the Smoke Monster is the ISLANDS way of course correcting. We have also seen Ben “summon” the smoke monster.


Ben Linus certainly has a way about him….he can manipulate ANY situation, and seems prepared for any outcome. Even when Ben turns the “frozen donkey wheel,” and leaves the island, never able to return – he seems to have it all under control.

This leads me to believe that Ben has the ability to remember the outcomes of time loops. If Ben has the ability to remember all the outcomes, and has the power to “summon” the smoke monster, what other island mysteries can he manipulate?


We are left with the suspicious death of Jeremy Betham (John Locke). Betham spent much of his last days, speaking with each of the Oceanic Six, explaining to them why they must come back to the island….claiming “Bad Things Happened”

It is my belief that Betham is not dead, but has been bitten by the Medusa spider, rendering him paralyzed. It is not known if anyone other than Nikki, Paulo and Dr Artz knew about this spider, so the belief that he is dead-with the cover story that he hung himself, could be important.


It is unclear at this time, to know what occurred on the island after the Oceanic Six are rescued. However, the involvement with Widmore, Linus, and Abaddon certainly make the situation seem dire on all accounts.

The comment that ALL of the Oceanic Six MUST come back leads me to believe that upon their return, they must make different CHOICES.


If you think about this (without having your head explode) you may notice that in the Pilot episode, their IS significance of Jack and Kate NOT being on the beach. It is my belief that the Pilot episode IS the Oceanic Six’s return to the island.

Each of the characters MUST make different choices in order to survive. Should they attempt to locate the transponder? Should they save Charlie? Should they attempt to get off the island? Would the Others look upon the Losties differently if they weren’t continually working against them-instead, protecting the island.


So we have all heard the whispers….I believe that the whispers are “warnings” FOR the Losties. These whispers usually precede some type of event, and are normally heard backwards. MAYBE these whispers are OUR Losties in another loop.

In the fun that is the movie, Groundhog Day….these events MUST be changed for the story to end on a HAPPIER note!

For those of you who have been reading my theories, heres a little BONUS

I beleive that Penny and Desmond are Adam and Eve.

Since Ben cannot get back to the island, Penny is safe.
Since Charles Widmore cannot get back to the island, Desmond is safe.

The Others should be able to protect them.

For those of you who have been reading my theories, heres a little BONUS

I beleive that Penny and Desmond are Adam and Eve.

Since Ben cannot get back to the island, Penny is safe.
Since Charles Widmore cannot get back to the island, Desmond is safe.

The Others should be able to protect them.

Lost Theory – Part III – Groundhogs?

This is Part III of my three part Lost theory. This theory ties in all my ideas (minus the retelling of the Lost series) and presents the Lost story as a whole. It’s a little lengthy, but please read all of it.

Have you ever seen the movie Groundhog Day? Bill Murray’s character relives the same day until he does it right. My theory runs along the same lines…

If you take everything you have seen during the series of Lost, you can see a few “oddities” Things that just on the surface seem out of place. Think about what you have seen, playing over and over in a loop. Every decision affecting everything else, including what you have ALREADY seen.

Since it IS Lost canon that Desmond time traveled after the hatch blew up, we CAN factor in that you can attempt to change the past. We also know that Mrs Hawking stressed to Desmond that things have a way of “course-correcting”. I want the idea of “course-correcting” at the front of your mind.


In Part I, I stated that Charlie Pace is important to my theory. All in all, Desmond can only prevent the inevitable for so long. I also noted that death has been looking for Charlie since the flight itself. If Charlie had died earlier, who else could have “broke that code”? If he would have died earlier, they would not have been able to contact the freighter.

Think about every decision involving Charlie Pace. We know that he swum to the Looking Glass station….so why didn’t he save Joanna from drowning earlier? Charlie claimed he “didn’t swim”.

Unfortunately, (?) EVERY decision led to the freighter coming, being blown up, and more lives lost….oh-and an island that has mysteriously vanished.


In Season 4, we see a flashback of Daniel Faraday watching a news report stating that the Oceanic Flight 815 was found at the bottom of the ocean. This news made him visibly upset.

Since we won’t know what happens to Daniel Farraday (unless you read spoilers – and I haven’t) until Lost comes back on, we can only imagine what he’s experienced.

If the island vanished into the past, is Faraday upset that the island isn’t there when the plane crashes? Where will Oceanic Flight 815 crash?


Before coming to the island, Juliet was able to impregnate her sister, Rachel. (I believe that Rachel and her son are who Jack hears crash on the bridge in the Season 3 finale)

Juliet has been on the island 3 years when Oceanic 815 crashes. We last see Juliet on the beach drinking Dharma Rum watching the smoke from the freighter explosion.

If the island has disappeared into the past, we can speculate that she may have continued to experiment on solving the island’s fertility issues. Depending on how far into the past the island went, we can speculate that Juliet could have injected this “serum” into John Locke’s mother, thereby making him “special”. This would also explain why Richard Alpert visited John when he was a child.

We can also speculate that Juliet could have impregnated any one of the Oceanic Six’s parents, thereby making all of them “special”.


We have seen connections between Charles Widmore, Ben Linus, and the Paik family. We can only guess at some of the connections between Ben Linus and Charles Widmore, but we DO know that Ben will be looking to even the score between them.

We know that Sun bought a controlling interest in Paik Industries, and has approached Charles Widmore-stating common interests. Is she referring to Demond & Penny, or some type of rivalry among Widmore and Paik?

We have been led to believe that Paik Industries built the Black Rock and has some type of connection to the construction of the hatches that are scattered on the island. If this is true, then we can begin to piece the connection between Paik and Dharma.


It is no secret that Sun’s father has no respect for Jin. He allows him to marry his daughter on the condition that he work for Paik Industries. We find out that the reason Sun and Jin are in Australia catching a flight to California, is for Jin to deliver 2 watches for Paik. Prior to the flight, Sun is “plotting” to leave Jin – a fact that I find important….If Sun leaves Jin, she misses Flight 815 and does not crash on the island. This leads me to believe that Paik may be trying to “get rid of Jin”.


Penny’s father did not approve of Desmond. Desmond feels compelled to prove his worth to Penny (who constantly tell him he doesn’t have to). Through a set of events, he acquires a boat, and enters a boat race to “get his honor back”. He eventually crashes onto the island, and enters the code in the Swan hatch. While we see that Desmond and Penny reunite….we wonder how long it will be before Charles Widmore finds out.


Since the first appearance of the Smoke Monster, we have been attempting to guess at what it is, and what its purpose is. We know that it can manifest itself in a physical way – such as pulling the pilot out of the plane, dragging Locke thru the jungle, throwing Eko into the air….

I believe that the Smoke Monster is the ISLANDS way of course correcting. We have also seen Ben “summon” the smoke monster.


Ben Linus certainly has a way about him….he can manipulate ANY situation, and seems prepared for any outcome. Even when Ben turns the “frozen donkey wheel,” and leaves the island, never able to return – he seems to have it all under control.

This leads me to believe that Ben has the ability to remember the outcomes of time loops. If Ben has the ability to remember all the outcomes, and has the power to “summon” the smoke monster, what other island mysteries can he manipulate?


We are left with the suspicious death of Jeremy Betham (John Locke). Betham spent much of his last days, speaking with each of the Oceanic Six, explaining to them why they must come back to the island….claiming “Bad Things Happened”

It is my belief that Betham is not dead, but has been bitten by the Medusa spider, rendering him paralyzed. It is not known if anyone other than Nikki, Paulo and Dr Artz knew about this spider, so the belief that he is dead-with the cover story that he hung himself, could be important.


It is unclear at this time, to know what occurred on the island after the Oceanic Six are rescued. However, the involvement with Widmore, Linus, and Abaddon certainly make the situation seem dire on all accounts.

The comment that ALL of the Oceanic Six MUST come back leads me to believe that upon their return, they must make different CHOICES.


If you think about this (without having your head explode) you may notice that in the Pilot episode, their IS significance of Jack and Kate NOT being on the beach. It is my belief that the Pilot episode IS the Oceanic Six’s return to the island.

Each of the characters MUST make different choices in order to survive. Should they attempt to locate the transponder? Should they save Charlie? Should they attempt to get off the island? Would the Others look upon the Losties differently if they weren’t continually working against them-instead, protecting the island.


So we have all heard the whispers….I believe that the whispers are “warnings” FOR the Losties. These whispers usually precede some type of event, and are normally heard backwards. MAYBE these whispers are OUR Losties in another loop.

In the fun that is the movie, Groundhog Day….these events MUST be changed for the story to end on a HAPPIER note!

Lost Theory – Part II – Things We Have Only Seen A Glimpse Of

This is Part II of my three part Lost theory. Some of the things I will mention, you may believe are known. What I write may change some of your perspective.

Glimpses – Pertaining to My Theory

Let me begin by thanking everyone involved in bringing Science Fiction back to prime time. The Science Fiction genre is immersed within a character driven drama, and clues are hidden all throughout the series, making fans rabid.

All the characters on the island are struggling with their pasts. In some ways, they are truly facing their demons. Each character has their own secrets, and in some cases, has confided in someone else on the island. There is a common theme regarding fathers in this series.

There are many things that we have seen glimpses of…ghosts, time travel, pregnancy issues, dreams. As with the characters, everything is intertwined…we just need to find the common thread.

We know that Mrs Hawking stressed to Desmond that things have a way of “course-correcting”. This leads into my Part III, so I won’t go into any detail on this one here.

We again, need to go back to the beginning. At least the beginning for US.

We begin seeing a close-up of Jack Shepard’s eye. It is unknown what is reflected in his eye, but I do believe Jack was placed there by it before he regained consciousness.

Not only did this episode begin with a close-up of Jack’s eye, but many have begun in this manner. I was told at an early age, that the eye is the window to your soul. We are seeing something significant-but not any real explanation.

I have also come to believe that Kate was not on the beach. She is not seen when the rest of the survivors are running from the plane after the crash.

This alone is very important. Why aren’t they on the beach? There are clues that the smoke monster is reflected in Jacks eyes. Is that how he got there? We have been led to believe that the smoke monster yanked the pilot out, pulled Locke thru the jungle, and killed Eko.

Many references to literature can be noted when watching Lost. Specifically, the book, Alice in Wonderland-Through the Looking Glass. My observation with TTLG is that once Charlie flipped that switch, it was as if the characters on the island changed personalities.

The biggest observation of this is when Sawyer and Jack are at the helicopter in Season 4s finale, Sawyer is concerned for Hugo (no nickname) and Jack says the SOB. You also see Kate change from being completely on the run, never settling down become a mother to someone else’s child. There are many more if you are looking for this.

Lost Theory – Part I – What We Know

The fans have been told by Damon and Carlton that clues are found in the Pilot episode. Most people who watch Lost are not casual watchers…we are rabid! Many fans have watched Seasons 1 – 4 repeatedly to figure out what is going on with the Losties. Even though I came late to Lost, I count myself among the rabid fans.

After reading many theories that you would need a scientific degree to understand….I thought I would give my theory a try.

I would like to stress that my theory has NOTHING to do with proving our Losties were not on the plane. In fact, you’ll see why they all have to be on the plane and why Jack cannot get back to the island by without every one of the Oceanic 6.

My theory is in three parts: What We Know, Things We Have Only Seen a Glimpse Of, and Groundhogs?

What We Know – Pertaining to My Theory

Let me start at the beginning:
We start out being introduced to Dr. Jack Shepard, a spinal surgeon. We first see Jack lying in the jungle being woke up by Vincent-Walt’s dog. Next to him we see a green “baton” (similar to Ben’s when we see him lying in the desert.) as well as a flashlight. We do not see him in possession of these items on the airplane. Notice that Jack is not among the rest of the survivors on the beach.

You should also note that Jack has taken a couple flying lessons, but it wasn’t for him. We see that Cindy, the flight attendant who later lives amongst the “Others”, gives him an extra bottle of liquor, to which Jack responds, that it is against several FAA regulations. It is plausible that Cindy has a hidden agenda when it comes to giving Jack the liquor and then being suspicious of Charlie.

After tons of drama and action, with those on the beach being rescued from immediate peril, Jack attempts to stitch himself up, when he sees Kate. Notice that Kate was not on the beach, nor was she walking from it. Kate assists Jack by sewing him up. Is it a coincidence that Jack had those bottles?

Jack, Kate and Charlie locate the transceiver in the cockpit. They speak to the pilot before the smoke monster yanks him out of the wreckage. It seems as if Kate “knows” what the smoke monster is capable of. She later asks Charlie-“Did you see it?” and she is completely terror stricken.

Charlie Pace went with Jack and Kate because he almost threw away his drugs while in the bathroom. He is going to see if they are still there.

Part of my theory centers around the importance of Charlie Pace. Desmond informed Charlie many times that he was going to die. While watching from the beginning knowing what I know, it seems as if death is looking for Charlie ever since the flight itself.

It seems odd to me that Cindy is suspicious of Charlie on the plane. Granted, what he was doing was annoying, but not reason enough to chase someone through a plane. Since Cindy later turns up with the “Others”, it is plausible that Cindy was trying to get Charlie in the section of the plane that would have no survivors. In fact, Charlie almost dies on the beach from flying plane debris.

On the island, Charlie befriends Claire Littleton, a single-but pregnant woman. Claire gets kidnapped by the “Others” (Ethan) and Charlie is left hanging in the woods.

While watching that particular episode, I was left wondering why Jack and Kate are so upset when they find Charlie. I know it may seem a little heartless, but the Losties just met Charlie….why did it upset them so much? Even upon watching these episodes repeatedly, this reaction does not seem normal. Do they know how important he is?

Charlie also befriends Hurley. There are many things I still haven’t figured out about Hurley’s story. We know that he feels responsible for a deck collapse and spent some time at Santa Rosa Mental Institute. Libby, a survivor of the tail-section, also was seen at Santa Rosa. We know that after the Oceanic 6 get off the island, Hurley sees Charlie and ends up back at Santa Rosa.

Santa Rosa also pays a role in John Locke’s life. His mother, Emily, is said to have been a patient. John is healed upon the crash of Oceanic 815. He becomes someone the Losties can count on, even though his tactics are scrutinized and he eventually loses their trust. We see several changes in John Locke, and the most recent change is becoming the leader of the “Others”. John Locke will become central to the island’s survival.

As we all know, everything we see on Lost has a purpose…fans were perplexed when introduced to Nikki and Paulo. I believe that the reason for Nikki and Paulo are to really introduce us to the Medusa spider. This spider is known to render its victims paralyzed for a period of time. I also believe that John Locke (Jeremy Betham) has been bitten by this spider in order to convince the Oceanic Six into returning to the Island.

While I cannot ascertain whether or not my final thought is complete or even Lost cannon-it should be noted that there is a resemblance with Bentham’s casket and Christian’s casket. There are also some odd similarities between “White Rabbit” and our Season 4 Finale, “There’s No Place Like Home”. Go ahead watch them again.

Ill see you in Part II – Glimpses.