Yep….its true. It seems as if many Alex Jones fans (or possibly just those in Jones’ circle) spammed google with search terms “Obama Deception Censored” pretty much consistently in order to produce a high rank of the term on the search engines site.

Read this:

In case you need a shorter recap, Jones announced Friday that he wanted to move the ranking of his film to number one (remember, hes got a HUGE ego) and then went absolutely ballistic when google removed the film (as well as another of Jones’ films). This obviously incensed him and his followers.

The film did not disappear off the internet….just a copy of it on youtube that wasnt split into a dozen clips, mind you. It is also interesting to note that google/youtube didnt remove copies from Alex Jones OWN youtube channel. Alex Jones also has his OWN website where you can watch and even burn copies of both films in question.

Yesterday, I watched Alex’s Sunday show….well, I wouldnt exactly call it a show…..Id call it a full out temper tantrum.

So, today I find out that google completely caved…..They restored the films AND the view count. I can understand that google doesnt want bad publicity, but honestly???

Any parent can tell you what will happen to the child who gets their way when they throw a tempter tantrum….

I just cant wait to hear what Alex has to say –uh, scream, about this one! (yea, that WAS sarcasm)

So I watched Sundays SPECIAL EDITION show of Alex Jones….(link to all 8 parts here: )

Wow! I knew Alex had an ego issue but wow….does he ever show it off on this show!!! In part 1 AND part 2 he goes on and on about how the White House youtube account only averages a few hundred views for each video and that he posts a video and he gets a half a million views in a week….I dont even care if that is true, it shows that he is selfish and only cares about getting hits on his movies.

Honestly, does he get a cut according to hits? Cuz, otherwise, why would he care about this so much? Its not like you cant watch the film on other accounts.

In part 2, Alex completely loses it….and shows that he is indeed a complete nutjob. He screams so loud that you almost see a vein pop out of his head. This type of behavior doesnt do anything for any cause he is a part of. It just prooves that he is insane….

In part 4, same deal….Alex is still insane…but near the middle of the clip, he starts taking calls from obvious Jones worshippers. Im sorry, but in the REAL world, Alex isnt bigger than Hannity or Olbermann…..

I think its almost laughable that he just cant get beyond the fact that his film isnt number one anymore. And then he has the audacity to say that the government is gonna turn off or censor the internet because of HIM!!!! Sorry dude, but you arent the first conspiracy theorist online. And, honestly, youre not the best conspiracy theorist out there either…Yea, okay Alex – its ALL gonna happen because of you….alright….

Its a good thing Alex is in Texas….no other state would contain his ego….

Yea, I said it….

So last week someone yanked Alex Jones’ facebook page and now this week, we got a youtube hack?

This article popped up on my facebook stream

Yea, I read it….and the VERY first thought I had was…..Did Alex Jones orchestrate this hack? Hes been ‘fighting’ with google over his movies for about what….6 months or so over his movie being blocked from being purchased? Hes had several of his videos removed from youtube because of supposed hate speech….and now this?

So, how does a film thats been available on a gazillion sites for over a year NOW get hacked? This film has had over 6 million views on the youtube account that is mentioned….and NOW all of a sudden there is an issue? I guess the account holder got that tip off right in the nick of time, huh?

So Friday, Alex wanted everyone to make Obama Deception appear at the top of every search site….and well… is apparent that someone somewhere was paying attention….

Call me the conspiracy theorist I am because it is my belief that someone in Jones circle did this in order to create some type of hysteria.