Want some snarky-ness?

This post follows a discussion about a story about a Victorias Secret model who quits the business I had on facebook early this afternoon:


My initial comment on a post on facebook was this: Women and their bodies do NOT belong to anyone. Including their husbands.

I was told that ‘she didnt mean it ‘that’ way’ and that she didnt want her body on display for others to lust after.

In jest, I made another comment saying that if I had half the body she had, Id show it off to any and every one….which, come on now, thats pretty funny.

I further asked that if her husband knew she was a Victorias Secret model, why should she feel compelled to quit, in order to give her marriage a chance. I then questioned how modeling is UnChristian.

But then some guy I dont know said this: (Ive bolded the truly offensive part) ‘This women, of her own free choice, chose to do something she felt would grow her relationship, and since it coincided with traditional values you can’t stand it. Again, so much for women’s rights, it’s not about them doing what they want, it’s about them doing what the movement wants them to do. Bravo to a woman choosing her marriage first and choosing to be a giver, a loving wife. Here is to her husband who supports her no matter what. What a beautiful example of a beautiful relationship. Sheila, you don’t have to be a radical feminist to hate what she’s decided to do, but it helps. 
You don’t even have to be a feminist to support some imaginary “choice” to kill other humans, but again, it helps. 
Fact is, feminists hate men, they hate marriage, and they hate the fact that this beautiful woman has chosen to to strengthen her marriage to her husband.’

First, it takes ALOT of ‘gumption’ to assume that just because you see my comments about articles on someones page, that those names apply to me – or anyone for that matter.

You dont have to be a feminist to believe in the equality of women. I am in a relationship (of almost 13 years) to a wonderful man. He supports whatever I choose to do for a career and whatever I choose as a hobby. I respect and support the same of him.

If I did have the body that would allow me to be a Victorias Secret model, he would be supportive. He would not be ‘jealous’  that other men looked at me. And after discussing this with him, I got the impression that he would be proud that I had such a lucrative career.

Women CAN be their own person, with their own thoughts and actions, even in the midst of a relationship. And believing this, doesnt make you a feminist. A truly beautiful relationship takes into account the equality of both partners, and the support they provide to each other. A truly beautiful relationship doesnt even need both people in it to be ‘parrots’  of each other. They can disagree with each other and not be offended.

Who says I cant stand that she choose some sort of traditional values decision? I address what I DO question near the end of this post.

As for the comment that called me a killer…..well, let me address this in this way: I got pregnant while still in high school. Ive been pregnant since. I have never had an abortion. Furthermore, Ive never told anyone to get an abortion. In fact, Ive never killed anyone. I grieved when I miscarried multiple times – even the times I had no clue I was pregnant when I miscarried. So please explain to me how Im a ‘killer’.

I do not hate men. If I did, I wouldnt have dated and/or married one. And I dont hate marriage. Ive been married. Just because I dont think marriage is a necessity, doesnt suggest hatred. It merely implies an observation.

Do you know what responses like that is? Its a form of misogyny. How much do you have to hate women to make assumptions like this person did about me?

And…..If youre still reading, THIS is why I questioned why this model quit.

It is quite telling that Busutti is quoted saying:

Bisutti’s decision to leave the lingerie company was also spurred on by an encounter with her 8-year-old cousin.

“I was doing my makeup in the mirror one day and she was watching me,” Bisutti said.  “She looked at me and was like, ‘You know, I think I want to stop eating so I can look like you.’”

“It just broke my heart because she looks up to me and I didn’t want to be that type of person that she thought she had to do that to be beautiful,” she said.  “Thousands of girls that think that being beautiful is an outer issue and really it’s a heart issue.”

Quite honestly, this would have been such a teachable moment for this cousin….as well as for girls everywhere.

This model could have used this comment to EDUCATE her cousin that eating healthy and exercise is how you accomplish these goals. She could have come out publicy and gained SOOOO much press on this issue.

Instead, she turned this into a ‘modeling is UnChristian’  stance, which delegitimizes the discussion altogether.

And for those who stand by the modesty/wholesome-ness argument, have you seen what she is wearing in this interview? And no, I dont think there is anything wrong with what shes wearing, but that dress and those super-size high inch heels (what are they like 4-5 inches?) dont scream modest and wholesome to me.

I have to say that I wasnt prepared to blog today. However, after further thought, I had to speak my mind about the following news article.


Go ahead, read it. Its a short one. This wont be a post about legalization…..This is more like….say what?

I have two issues with this article. Can you guess what they are?

You dont have to live in LA to see the personal agendas of the police in this area. While the legalization of marajuana may never be what either side of the argument wants……there is much wrong about the following line in the above linked article

“Sheriff Lee Baca opposes the proposition and has said he will continue to arrest marijuana growers even if it is approved”

I can understand that this Sheriff opposes the proposition, but if this is approved, why would he continue to arrest growers if said legalization is approved? What type of potential problems do you see happening in our court system once those cases get to court? The personal agenda of this Sheriff could potentially create a tremendous backlog of court cases as well as the added expense to a city that cannot afford to waste the taxpayers money.

Heres my second point regarding this article: How does a parent check their Halloween candy for weed? Is there an odor? Is there a change in appearance of the candy? Are we supposed to take our bags to our local police department so drug sniffing dogs can check it for us?

And now for my smart aleck comment: How does a parent interpret that their child is ‘high’ off weed laced candy? Will the normal childish antics of over indulgence in Halloween candy send thousands of parents into a panic?

Yesterday I was plagerized for the first time.

Without giving any more attention to the blog that did this, I responded by tweeting to that person, as well as some of my friends attempted to inform this ‘blogger’ what plagerism is, and the blog in question was removed.

This thief then attempted to explain to me, that what I read wasnt plagerism….but I certainly beg to differ.

So, heres what I consider plagerism:

* If my blog post is copy-pasted (I dont care if you claim its an RSS feed) and I have to click “Read more” to see my original post, its plagerism.

* If your blog features other peoples work, without trackbacks to the orginal blog, its plagerism.

* If you do not post on your site, that you have used RSS feeds to create your content, its plagerism.

Im glad that people outside of my circle of friends have read my blog. That is appreciated. To say otherwise, would be a lie. However, if you like what Ive posted, post a comment….do not take my content/my opinions and give the impression that they are your own.

If you disagree with what Ive posted, post a comment as well. Or, better yet, post your own ‘take’ and include a link to my original post (this creates a trackback).

Its called courtesy and it shows that you have journalistic integrity.

I should not have to call you out on twitter and facebook in order to show you what this means.

And honestly, your claim of featuring my RSS feed on your blog is bulloney. If this was so, this would not be the first time I have seen my blog title other than on my own site.

Your other claim that you were ‘only trying to give my blog attention’ is also a load of crap. My ego is not that big that I dont care where my blog is copied to – and that I dont care as long as its read.

If you cant abide by simple common courtesy, Id rather not have you read OR share my take.

And Im sure the reason you cannot begin to understand why Im angry about this, is that NONE of what you posted on what you call your blog is original content that you have worked hard on!

A little more fun on a Monday morning:

I was recently listening to WBAL radio and they were discussing fashions women should avoid. Unfortunately, according to them, I am a fashion victim (i.e. capris and big sunglasses). I know it wouldn’t be a first time that mainstream media picked on some women’s favorite items however, I think it’s time to turn the tables a little bit.

Here are my 5 items that men should avoid wearing:

1: Thongs – I beleive that women should avoid these as well. Thongs are uncomfortable as well as unflattering.

2: Sandals with socks – Now, I really don’t like a man in sandals, but I really don’t understand why the socks. If you are wearing sandals, you do not need to wear socks too.

3: Black socks pulled up to the knee when wearing shorts – Did you look in a mirror? Unless you are a senior citizen, this look is not for you.

4: Hawaiian shirts – Please do not make our eyes crazy unless you are on vacation in Hawaii.

5: Camo: The ONLY time this is okay to wear is if you are in the service or hunting. If you are not either, please do not wear camo. It is NOT a fashion statement.

Now, these are only my personal opinion, but if you have items that I missed, please comment! If you have an argument with any of the items on my list….explain.