On Friday, July 23rds Alex Jones show, Jesse Ventura was a guest. Jesse spoke to Alex about supposed government harrassment of his ‘Conspiracy Theory’ television show.

After listening to both parts, I have concluded that he was NOT harrassed. See for yourself below:

Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWVhrwSQlZo&feature=player_embedded
Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQXok5QDSjA&feature=player_embedded

In case you dont want to sit thru this, heres a quick recap:
Jesse came on the show and claimed that the government told him he wasnt allowed to film at JFKs eternal flame. (He was doing a show on the JFK Conspiracy Theories) He contacted his representative Michele Bachman after being turned down because of the subject matter of the show. To make a long story short, Jesse Ventura filmed there anyway (It is not entirely made clear if he did it without permission or after his representative assisted with the matter.)

Jesse Ventura then gave the persons name who denied his request as well as his phone number to Alexs viewers. (tacky much?) Jesse claims that his taxes pay these peoples salary (uh, sorry Jesse, but dont you live in Mexico now?) He also asks that all ‘true’ Americans call this man and give them a piece of their minds….

Honestly, stating that you were harrassed just because you were denied your request, does not equal government harrassment. Just because you were in a branch of the service, a mayor and a governor does NOT entitle you to anything. Making claims of this nature to the viewers of Alex Jones’ show and asking them to call this man is not the way to solve your supposed problem.

The second you admitted that you filmed your shot, you lost any claim of harrassment.

Yep….its true. It seems as if many Alex Jones fans (or possibly just those in Jones’ circle) spammed google with search terms “Obama Deception Censored” pretty much consistently in order to produce a high rank of the term on the search engines site.

Read this: http://www.infowars.com/deleted-obama-deception-movie-restored-after-google-nailed-with-calculated-search-blitz/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter

In case you need a shorter recap, Jones announced Friday that he wanted to move the ranking of his film to number one (remember, hes got a HUGE ego) and then went absolutely ballistic when google removed the film (as well as another of Jones’ films). This obviously incensed him and his followers.

The film did not disappear off the internet….just a copy of it on youtube that wasnt split into a dozen clips, mind you. It is also interesting to note that google/youtube didnt remove copies from Alex Jones OWN youtube channel. Alex Jones also has his OWN website where you can watch and even burn copies of both films in question.

Yesterday, I watched Alex’s Sunday show….well, I wouldnt exactly call it a show…..Id call it a full out temper tantrum.

So, today I find out that google completely caved…..They restored the films AND the view count. I can understand that google doesnt want bad publicity, but honestly???

Any parent can tell you what will happen to the child who gets their way when they throw a tempter tantrum….

I just cant wait to hear what Alex has to say –uh, scream, about this one! (yea, that WAS sarcasm)

So I watched Sundays SPECIAL EDITION show of Alex Jones….(link to all 8 parts here: http://dprogram.net/2010/07/18/42554/ )

Wow! I knew Alex had an ego issue but wow….does he ever show it off on this show!!! In part 1 AND part 2 he goes on and on about how the White House youtube account only averages a few hundred views for each video and that he posts a video and he gets a half a million views in a week….I dont even care if that is true, it shows that he is selfish and only cares about getting hits on his movies.

Honestly, does he get a cut according to hits? Cuz, otherwise, why would he care about this so much? Its not like you cant watch the film on other accounts.

In part 2, Alex completely loses it….and shows that he is indeed a complete nutjob. He screams so loud that you almost see a vein pop out of his head. This type of behavior doesnt do anything for any cause he is a part of. It just prooves that he is insane….

In part 4, same deal….Alex is still insane…but near the middle of the clip, he starts taking calls from obvious Jones worshippers. Im sorry, but in the REAL world, Alex isnt bigger than Hannity or Olbermann…..

I think its almost laughable that he just cant get beyond the fact that his film isnt number one anymore. And then he has the audacity to say that the government is gonna turn off or censor the internet because of HIM!!!! Sorry dude, but you arent the first conspiracy theorist online. And, honestly, youre not the best conspiracy theorist out there either…Yea, okay Alex – its ALL gonna happen because of you….alright….

Its a good thing Alex is in Texas….no other state would contain his ego….

Yea, I said it….

So last week someone yanked Alex Jones’ facebook page and now this week, we got a youtube hack?

This article popped up on my facebook stream


Yea, I read it….and the VERY first thought I had was…..Did Alex Jones orchestrate this hack? Hes been ‘fighting’ with google over his movies for about what….6 months or so over his movie being blocked from being purchased? Hes had several of his videos removed from youtube because of supposed hate speech….and now this?

So, how does a film thats been available on a gazillion sites for over a year NOW get hacked? This film has had over 6 million views on the youtube account that is mentioned….and NOW all of a sudden there is an issue? I guess the account holder got that tip off right in the nick of time, huh?

So Friday, Alex wanted everyone to make Obama Deception appear at the top of every search site….and well…..it is apparent that someone somewhere was paying attention….

Call me the conspiracy theorist I am because it is my belief that someone in Jones circle did this in order to create some type of hysteria.

So, now that Ive gotten your attention with that captivating blog title…..I guess I should say, that YES, the BP Oil Spill is really THAT bad. The potential environmental consequences are overwhelmingly catastrophic.

Im sure by now, every media outlet has informed the public about past safety issues with BP….including the explosion that killed their employees in Texas a few years ago. Im also pretty sure that upon researching BP, you will find out that they had -what we call- ‘an in’ with the government…..

But….even with all that evidence that BP is all about the bottom line and not taking care of their employees OR the environment – Im about to give you what I beleive is behind this ‘accident’ and hopefully give you a different outlook on this situation.

I came across this article awhile ago – http://news.mongabay.com/2005/0921-weakening_hurricane.html

This was written in 2005 in response to Hurricane Katrina and asking if there was some way to lesson the severity of hurricanes. It seems that something called ‘cloud seeding’ was done to weaken hurricanes in the past (see previous blogs regarding this subject)  and now other alternatives are being tried in order to weaken these destructive storms. What is so interesting is that this article specifically mentions placing an oil slick on the surface of the ocean in order to cut off the supply of warm water that strengthens hurricanes.

This article also mentions several other ways that they would like to see if hurricanes can be weakened…..but, at this period in time, who really cares about icebergs and detonation of nuclear weapons?? Its not like BP purposely created this hole in the floor of the ocean and spilled all this oil to protect the southern coastline of the US from hurricanes or anything…..

…..or did they?

Ive been there. Yea, on the side of the 9/11 truth deniers. Maybe I should explain…..

I originally was introduced to what is now-the truth movement back in 2001 by one of my more serious conspiracy theory friends. (a big sci-fi/ufo junkie) I had already been somewhat interested in the genre because of similar issues. I was what you could call, a fan of William Coopers. I never really took his alien claims all that serious, but he had a wealth of other information we fans of conspiracy theory love. Ive also watched a few of David Ickes films, which while 70% is ‘mainstream’ conspiracy, the other 30% is filled with reptilian alien-shape shifting insanity.

Ya know its funny what you can remember….Have you ever had a grandparent tell you that what you were learning in Social Studies/History class, was wrong? At the time, you figure – eh? maybe my grandfather is forgetting it wrong because thats not whats in my textbook….right? Somehow, this simple generality -and yes, it is a generality- can change the way you look at historic events. It can help you see news headlines and articles differently. It can even help you see trends in what the news covers world-wide.

Anyway……..back to 9/11 truth. I began by looking online at the claims the truthers presented….and found that not all of them were illogical questions. And, you know what else? Their questions have no answers. Their questions wont even be debated by the main stream media. Just why is that?

Why cant we have a civil discussion on our main stream media?

Why is history being changed in front of our eyes? Doesnt anyone remember things that our media told us and how they have attempted to change what was said?

I invite you to watch the video below. And even if you do beleive the 9/11 Commission Report (despite Chairs saying it was set up to fail) at least see what the debate is about.

Russia Today’s CrossTalk. (25 minutes long)


Who isnt a terrorist these days? Republicans, Democrats, Tea Partiers, Conspiracy theorists…..what next? Christians? Im tired of everyone using the word terrorist to describe people they dont agree with or even ideologies they dont understand. Im tired of being classified along with two people who dont have any value on life and obviously have serious mental issues.

And no matter which network I look at, the message seems clear….Conspiracy theorists are bad. Meanwhile, they use their slick tricks and slanted interviews that dont allow any clarification or are edited heavily.


In this first clip (3 1/2 min), CNN basically states that anyone who has anything to do with a conspiracy theory is a ‘hatriot’  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ixAj5D7YXE

Let me just tell you a few TRUTHS here. First of all, the conspiracy movement did not just start when President Obama became our President. It was around way before that. And to conduct this segment with a banner that says ‘Suicide Warrior’ is just plain wrong. Allowing the misrepresentation of ANY of the conspiracy groups in this manner told me that you just want to point fingers than to do a story about someone who was just plain mentally unstable.


I find it almost funny that Anderson Cooper and John Avlon apparently havent spoken to anyone (like myself) who can present her views clearly and precisely.

It is also odd that EVERYONE in the media wants to slant what the entire 9/11 movement is about….when clearly there are different variances. I consider myself a truther because I have questions about Building 7 and there are no answers and I have questions about why the Commission members now state that they werent given adequate access to investigate thoroughly (as well as other claims). And yes, I have looked at some of the other theories out there, but none of it makes me want to take some sort of ‘revenge’ or ‘coup’ on my government. I just would like some answers.

So, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) sent out this report stating conspiracy theorists are terrorists? And now we have two events where we are being told that the two men were involved in different movements? Sounds like a false flag to me….and Im not even gonna go into the ‘oddities’ surrounding those events.

Over the weekend, Geraldo had Alex Jones as a guest….and surprisingly it wasnt a train wreck. Clearly, the woman who attempted to slam Alex down was not in possession of many facts. She was ‘put in her place’ by Geraldo who explained to her that what Alex said is true. (Golf of Tonkon) This womans attempted attack was another clear cut not willingness to listen and it made her look foolish.

Heres the clip of that:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-XjX00UHkk

Heres a suggestion to the main stream media….How about you conduct interviews fairly for once? If your viewing audience can tell what the interviewers opinion is, youre clearly doing it wrong.

Im sure by now we have all heard about the earthquake that occurred in Chile with all its aftershocks…and threats of tsunamis in Hawaii and other areas in the Pacific. Recently, we have been informed that this 8.8 magnitude earthquake actually moved the axis of our earth approximately 3 inches….and shortening our days.

Here are two articles I found online that explains it alot better than I can.



Now….that seems incredible by itself but I was recently thinking about something else I knew.

As someone who enjoys reading about Bible Prophesy, these few verses are really eye opening. I have included two translations, the NIV and King James Version.

Matthew 24:21-24 (New International Version)

21For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now—and never to be equaled again. 22If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened. 23At that time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or, ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. 24For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect—if that were possible. 

Matthew 24:21-24 (King James Version)

 21For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. 22And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened. 23Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. 24For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

Now……if you are like me, you said Wow about 50 times. I wont go into interpretation of this….since the few people Ive spoken with all have a slightly different take about what this means.

I will just leave you with this…….We see the signs that are spoken about in Scripture…..but what role will the false teachers play? Is Project Blue Beam real? Did HAARP create an earthquake in order to fake us out?

As a conspiracy theory ‘fan’ I can admit that I read and listen to many peoples views. You cant say conspiracy theory without thinking about many of its mouthpieces…..

I get alot of flack for listening to Alex Jones….and well, my belief is that, you have to watch out for whoever you listen to, and you have to double check what all of them have said. Of course, the same can be said for whats on the main stream media as well.

Anyway, a little while back, one of my friends on facebook posted a video of Alex Jones intruding on a gun rally/protest in Texas…..one that he was actually invited to speak at – which is why I am so perplexed at what Alex did at this protest.

I invite you to look at the footage that was shot at this protest (from both sides of course) and really think about whats going on.


Now, anyone can go to a protest for whatever they choose….and well, there is no way to know for sure what occurred at this one, but it seems to me that Alex wanted to take over this protest for his own gain. He ignores and mocks those who tell him that he is invited to speak on the stage, as well as those who tell him they are fans of his.

He calls almost everyone there a ‘provacateur’ which Im pretty sure isnt the case. From other footage Ive seen online, this protest/rally was pretty organized as well as attended, by those who would follow Alex Jones.

Honestly Alex, what were you attempting to accomplish?

There is alot of talk online about the recent earthquakes occurring all around the world, as well as strange occurrances of light appearing in the skies over the areas affected. A little while ago, I can across two things: HAARP and Project Blue Beam.

This is the first video I saw referring and explaining Project Blue Beam:


Yea, youre probably thinking the same thing I was when I first saw it….thats just crazy! But then, I did some research and found out that the ideas are not so far fetched. The technology is there.

For those who dont want to view that video or the next two Ive posted, here is Project Blue Beam in a nutshell:

Project Blue Beam is a Psy-Ops operation. It has 4 major steps –

First, it causes a breakdown of archeological knowledge. (is this in conjunction with HAARP?) The breakdown that occurs will cause people to think that religious doctrines have been misunderstood.

Second, there will be holograms projected into our skies (a space ‘show’ of sorts). We know that HAARP can imitate lights in the sky similar to the aurora borealus. There is also some proof that these holograms can project images of UFOs in the atmosphere, which leads me to beleive that those who have seen UFOs have actually seen these projections.

Thirdly, ELF and VLF waves will be sent out that will communicate with the masses telepathically. This imitates a mind that is under attack or something along the lines of a hypnotic suggestion that can influence us. This technology is also here now. And, along with the knowledge that MKUltra is not just a conspiracy, mind control can and has happened.

The fourth event in the Project Blue Beam Project is a little more detailed. It consists of a multiple layered trick that involves spiritual manifestations. The masses are to believe that we are being attacked by aliens that somehow will unite the world. We will also be told of a fake rapture….Im not sure if people who are going to be targeted as opposition will be kidnapped or just tricked into committing suicide, but this event is to get rid of opposition. The third aspect is to penetrate all electronics (dont we all have these devices now?). We will also be led to think ghosts and other apparitions exist in order to push others to the brink…leading them to psychosis. We will then be faced with a new ‘messiah’ who will lead us into a One World Religion.

Part 1  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkpT-gSSS54&feature=player_embedded

Part 2  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtwjZQlrw2Y&feature=player_embedded

And since, I mention HAARP, here is a fantastic blog with information on the weird lights that have been seen over the areas recently hit by earthquakes, as well as other information from other sources.


I am also posting a previous blog post of mine, with a yahoo news article that claims that snow in Beijing was created….and did not happen naturally.


Yes, some of these claims are hard to beleive, but I invite you to read and do your own research before making up your mind.