This technically begins in 1979 when I was 8 years old. My father heard about the Clash (this was before Rock the Casbah) and that sound completely hooked me. Since this was the 70s, there was no internet, so I had to find those VERY special record shops that had people who worked there who REALLY knew their music. From that moment on, I was completely hooked on punk music.

Punk rock music always had a bad ‘rap’. It didn’t matter who you talked to, they all had opinions on what THEY heard. Most people complained about the lyrics or the noise.  However, how can you sing about the issues without screaming? That is the point of it. If you think about it, most conversations concerning any issues, usually escalate into a ‘whos louder’ argument. If you need to….go look at some DK lyrics and tell me how YOU would present them. I will guarantee that you will not be singing them like you would a love ballad.

Their lyrics single handedly gave me the level of interest in I would have about world. Their lyrics always led me to search further into what I was seeing on my television. If you have any of the old DK concerts, you’ve heard them speak about many issues. Those quick quips taught me alot and those lessons continue even to this current day. Alot of people do not know the lyrics and insist that song titles alone reflect a viewpoint and this has led several not giving them a listen.

So for me, the Dead Kennedys was about looking at some of what was going on in the world and realizing that everything was wrong. Yes….EVERYTHING

By the time I got to my teenage years, we came what most people now call the ‘goth’ or ’emo’ look. This is where we change our outward appearance in order to show how different we are. As someone who participated in this style, I can only say, I choose to look like a freak and I knew how most people would react. I didn’t want to look like everyone else. Its pretty much that simple. No one else liked the music I did, so why should I have to look like them? I will not apologize for how other people reacted to me OR what they said to me. That was and still is THEIR problem. And you know what? I’m 39 years old now and if I could, I would dye my hair orange IN A HEARTBEAT!

Now, 20+ years later……I have grown children and consider myself a conservative by most standards. But I still also consider myself a ‘punk rocker gal’.  So, of course when I heard late this past summer, that the Dead Kennedys would be in DC. I immediately purchased the tickets. There was NO hesitation. NONE.

I was hopeful that despite the drama that had occurred within the band, it would have been gone and we would see our 4 familiar DKers…..but that was not to be. However, the Dead Kennedys wasn’t just Jello. There were other members of that band who made it great. Imagine any of the DK songs without East Bay Ray….DH…..or Klaus.

Skip? The frontman for the Winona Ryders (sp) did the vocals for the Dead Kennedys. I am not entirely sure how long he’s been with them, since I have varying reports, but that’s not really important.  The important thing was that he TOTALLY ROCKED! Jellos shoes are hard to fill, as was the missed Klaus. But this guy totally nailed the performance. During some of my favorite DK songs, it seemed like everyone was front and center giving it back to him (as was I). This concert is definitely one of the best I’ve been to.

After all the years I’ve listened and screamed along with the Dead Kennedys, I managed to meet DH and East Bay Ray. This made this night so special to me. I was able to have Ray sign my cd booklet inserts and grab a pic with him J  The pic below is the second one taken since we weren’t sure that the first one turned out. This pic is most awesome because he plopped his head on top of mine…..I thought it was endearing and cute, but that’s me!

DKs East Bay Ray and I

I met the mayhem that is East Bay Ray!